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In pandemic times, access to offices, agencies and services of the Basque public administration needs improvement and reinforcement to ensure the effective enjoyment of rights and to fightdigital exclusion
In pandemic times, access to offices, agencies and services of the Basque public administration needs improvement and reinforcement to ensure the effective enjoyment of rights and to fightdigital exclusion
18/02/2022 Ararteko, Oficina de Asuntos Europeos e Internacionales

In pandemic times, access to offices, agencies and services of the Basque public administration needs improvement and reinforcement to ensure the effective enjoyment of rights and to fightdigital excl

Recomendaciones ENYA 2021. Hablemos en clave joven. Hablemos del impacto de la COVID-19 en los derechos de la infancia y la adolescencia
Recomendaciones ENYA 2021. Hablemos en clave joven. Hablemos del impacto de la COVID-19 en los derechos de la infancia y la adolescencia
29/09/2021 Ararteko, Consejo de la Infancia y la Adolescencia y ENYA

Recomendaciones del Consejo de la Infancia y la Adolescencia del Ararteko junto a otros Consejos de participación de Defensorías de Infancia Europeas participantes en el proyecto ENYA (European Networ

ENOC Synthesis Report. Mapping the impact of emergency measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on children's rights in ENOC member states
ENOC Synthesis Report. Mapping the impact of emergency measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on children's rights in ENOC member states
29/09/2021 Ararteko, Oficina de la Infancia y la Adolescencia y ENOC

Informe sobre el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en los derechos de la infancia y la adolescencia elaborado por la Red Europea de Defensorías de Infancia (ENOC-European Network of Ombudspersons for Ch

ENOC Synthesis Report. Mapping the impact of emergency measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on children's rights in ENOC member states
ENOC Synthesis Report. Mapping the impact of emergency measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on children's rights in ENOC member states
29/09/2021 Ararteko, Haur eta Nerabeentzako Bulegoa eta ENOC

COVID-19 pandemiak haurren eta nerabeen eskubideetan izan duen eraginari buruzko txostena, Haurren Defentsa-erakundeen Europako Sareak (ENOC-European Network of Ombudspersons for Children) Arartekoare