The Ararteko, Ombudsman for the Basque Country, has participated in the organisation and facilitation of the international restorative meetings "The Encounter of the Encounters" in Milan from 28th September to 1st October.
Since 2019, the area of justice and the International Office of the Ararteko have been collaborating in the organisation and facilitation of restorative encounters between victims, perpetrators, family members and community members from the Basque Country, Israel and Palestine, Italy and Ireland, (together with experts) who have in common having previously participated in their own countries in restorative dialogues after political violence and violent extremism.
This year 2022, this unique international experience has been organised by the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Milan, in collaboration with the Ararteko, the Basque Institute of Criminology, the European Forum for Restorative Justice and Parents Circle. During these days, in addition to confidential meetings of 70 people affected by violence, two restorative dialogues were shared, one with young university students (Futures beyond violence) and the other with the general public (Disarming sorrow), to publicise this experience and promote a culture of peace that replaces the circles of violence through experiences of restorative justice. One of the seven international facilitators in these meetings has been Roberto Moreno, coordinator of the area of justice, people in prison and victims of terrorism of the Ararteko. In this way, the institution of the Ararteko continues and intensifies, with its active participation in these meetings, the path undertaken three years ago in the field of restorative justice.
Drawing from this experience, on 6 october 2022, L’Osservatore Romano newspaper published an article by Agnese Moro, daughter of Aldo Moro (Italian Prime Minister assassinated by the Red Brigades in 1978), who reflects on the content of the meetings and its impact on participants. The following document provides an informal translation of the article into English prepared by the Ararteko.