Agirien Bilatzailea

Report and recommendations of the Ararteko for the improvement of access to offices, agencies and services of the Basque public administration in pandemic times to ensure the effective enjoyment of rights and to fight digital exclusion
Vitoria-Gasteiz Ararteko

The Ararteko has issued a report with seven recommendations on the improvements needed in Basque public administration to ensure access to offices and services in pandemic times. During the lockdow...

Report and recommendations of the Ararteko for the improvement of access to offices, agencies and services of the Basque public administration in pandemic times to ensure the effective enjoyment of rights and to fight digital exclusion
Vitoria-Gasteiz Ararteko

The Ararteko has issued a report with seven recommendations on the improvements needed in Basque public administration to ensure access to offices and services in pandemic times. During the lockdow...

El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea obliga a todos los Estados miembros a reconocer la filiación de parejas del mismo sexo, determinada en uno de los Estados miembros, para ejercer la libre circulación
Vitoria-Gasteiz Ararteko

Las demandantes son una pareja de mujeres residentes en España, país en el que se casaron y en el que nació su hija. Una de ellas es de nacionalidad búlgara y la otra, británica. En el certificado de...